
What I've Found In My Journey Experience Life Learning

I am grateful for you!

Congratulations for making your way to this page. Something here has called your interest on what it is that you can find in me and in yourself.

I was born in Panama, and I moved to the U.S. in 1999.  Until that year, I had evolved in the banking industry, studied to get a degree in Economics, started a family, and claim a place in society, believing those were the most important things to have achieved to become someone worthwhile. At least that was the programming I received; and typically, that is the environment most of us still grow up in.


For 8 years I had the best job I could ever asked for, as I devoted myself to my family and my two daughters.  I embraced that time in my life and cherished being in service to them. While in my bubble of being a housewife, everything around me started spinning and affecting my reality. I experienced a wake-up call at the end of 2007 where it all changed. I got divorced, and my spiritual journey began.

My training has been deep in vastly different arenas including herbalism, Ayurveda, shamanism, Reiki, palmistry, Akashic Records, dream interpretation, pendulum, many personal development courses and trainings, women’s circles, rituals, and ceremonies. In 2019, I got certified as a coach. Psychosynthesis had come to me, and I decided to answer my call of Self and better serve others.

Why Psychosynthesis Coaching?

In my process of knowing and finding myself spiritually, I came across psychosynthesis. It so happens that this branch of psychology is about experiencing the different techniques, processes, and exercises in oneself to be able to communicate with love and authenticity. In providing psychosynthesis to others, I had to experience it in depth within myself, knowing that the theory intellectually is a great start, but not enough.

In group or private work, Psychosynthesis is not identified with any specific technique or practice. Training in psychosynthesis never ends; and, at a certain point, the training given by a facilitator is replaced by self-training. This self-training must not end, as we are always evolving and revealing deeper aspects of ourselves. In short, psychosynthesis is an open system.

These experiences I am talking about are Disidentification, the personal self, the will (good, strong, skillful), the ideal model, synthesis (in its various aspects), the super Consciousness, and the transpersonal self.

The time I took in this training offered me the ability to experiment and acquire the skills to open ways to discover myself, as well as reveal many aspects that I am still working on.

About Psychosynthesis...
Psychosynthesis has five basic fields of service: therapeutic (psychotherapy: doctor-patient); integration and personal updating (realization of one’s own potentialities); educational (for parents and educators with students of all levels); interpersonal; and social (for couples, relationships).

I have chosen personal integration and actualization, which is certainly the heart of psychosynthesis. This requires a vital degree to cultivate the mind in conjunction with emotions and to acquire a personal center of gravity within balanced and loving “reasonableness” rather than uncontrolled emotionalism.

Psychosynthesis dates from 1911, from the first works of Roberto Assagioli, an Italian psychiatrist. One of the pioneers of psychoanalysis in Italy, Assagioli argued that Freud had not given enough weight to the “higher” aspects of the human personality and recognized the need for a more inclusive concept of humanity.

Since this beginning, Assagioli and a growing number of psychotherapists, educators, physicians, social workers, clergy, and others have worked to develop and refine this inclusive vision of human growth. The process is open, and as long as we are living, will never truly be completed.

What I have fount in my personal journey...

I have experienced sacred plants as part of my profound path to self-discovery and spiritual growth, including Ayahuasca, San Pedro, Peyote, mushrooms, and many others. People who experience them in a reverent ceremony setting with a shaman or a facilitator often travel long distances to other countries. For many people, the healing they were looking for ends with the ceremony, and many aspects revealed are not carried forward and fully resolved because there are few avenues to integrate their ceremony experience into their everyday lives.

In my case, and what I know deep in my heart, is that “Integration” is the most important part of exploring consciousness. In integration, we explore what the visions and the messages a person receives in a ceremony mean in their personal lives and how can they help elevate their relationship with themselves, their family and friends, their careers, and how to manifest more flow in their lives.

The real ceremony is life itself, and by being open to explore all those aspects of oneself, through coaching beyond the ceremony setting, can help unravel those unresolved parts, and with courage and commitment, achieve the desired life every one of us wants.

Who can benefit in working with me -or- Who is my ideal client

I am dedicated to help people integrate their plant medicine or psychedelic experience and what it means to apply these new pathways into their everyday lives.

You don’t need to have experienced plant medicine or psychedelics to work with me. I am here for anyone who:

I can’t wait to connect with you!

I am all about connection, sharing and exploring together; to me, it means that together we can create a unique and strong sense of belonging and a new way of creating meaning.

My wish is to share the tools and knowledge that I have created so far in my years of training and self-exploration, and to be the space you need to navigate your inner reality so that you can connect with your purpose and essence and cultivate your unique personality and the qualities that make you “who you really are.

It is my honor to connect with you and hold the space you need to create the life you want. Together, we will explore and answer life’s deep questions of “Who am I?”, “What do I want to create?”, “Where do I belong?”, “How can I meet my needs?” and many more.

If you are ready to design your life NOW and experience Joy, Love, and true Freedom, choose a package that calls to you, and let’s get started!

With love,

My Certifications

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